When news of Crumbl Cookies opening a location in Petaluma first surfaced on social media, I was undoubtedly interested. I’ll admit that I was wary, as locals frequently are when a “chain” comes snooping around our town. To be honest, I believe a cookie’s primary function should be an ice cream cup, but I digress. Nevertheless, the reviews of Crumbl’s cookies are simply too positive to pass up. Despite my misgivings, a trip to Crumbl was a need because of the flavors. Which are comparable to that one might get in an ice cream and cake shop.
I expected to disappoint, especially after hearing many bemoan the $4.50 price for the single cookie when purchased alone. I’ve discovered that critics of Crumbl are somewhat similar to people who gripe about Petaluma Speedway but have not been. I became a devotee after visiting and trying all of their offerings. Including all of the cookie & ice cream flavors that were on offer that week. And getting to know the local owners or staff. As a result, Crumbl is the only food app that now installed on my phone.
Crumbl Company History
Jason McGowan & Sawyer Hemsley, cousins, founded Crumbl in 2017. While Sawyer was a student at Utah State University, they launched the first Crumbl in Logan, Utah. They initially only offered the Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies, but they quickly grew to include a weekly rotating menu. Though the Santa Rosa & Petaluma sites are the first in North Bay, 5 years later. Crumbl Promo Code has more than 300 franchisees across 36 states. With a sizable number of those in California.
Crumbl Franchise History
Chris and Caley Berg, a husband and wife combination. Run our Petaluma Crumbl with help from Chris’ parents, Molly and Jim, in a partnership. The younger Bergs are from Ukiah and Petaluma. Caley (Johnson) Berg graduated from Casa Grande in 2012. But she also had Lynne Gordon Moquete as a teacher. Which will soon be relevant.
Chris Berg raised in Ukiah after his parents relocated there as a child. a youngster. His parents moved from Los Angeles into Mendocino County to bring over a Little Caesar’s franchise in Ukiah. They ran till the day they launched the first Crumbl in Sonoma County, in Santa Rosa.
Chris and Caley have been together since they first met. While pursuing criminal justice degrees at Southern Oregon University in Ashland.
Although Chris claimed that we became great friends practically right away. We didn’t really lock things down until their junior year.
Chris and Caley both started their careers in social services & child welfare after completing their college degrees in 2016. Chris also worked in senior care. A mentor who also happened to open a first Crumbl in California (in Turlock) & suggested the Bergs get on board taught them about branding in the beginning. The younger Bergs are thus residing in Medford, which just so happened to have its very own new Crumbl. They took a chance or become addicted right away.
The Bergs signed up for 3 more franchises after opening their first store in Santa Rosa. And they were excited to share with us during our talk. That they were close to completing the agreement for Vintage Oaks in Novato. They are still debating between Rohnert Park, Sonoma, and perhaps Napa for their fourth location. Caley insisted that the location must be appropriate.
Crumbl Petaluma’s
As we opened a Santa Rosa store, Petaluma was already on the agenda, according to Chris. Since Caley is from here, we were already familiar with Petaluma and always enjoyed traveling there while in college. Caley continues by saying that it has been incredible to witness all the love from her old friends and classmates. She even gets to see her former instructors drop by to pick up cookies, she says.
Before deciding on this location in Petaluma, we looked over a few different ones, Molly explains. For convenient customer pick-up, specifically curbside delivery, we thought this location was excellent. However, there were also tables outside where customers could sit & enjoy their purchases. It is precious to observe people’s delight as they taste a novel flavor or enjoy a meal with friends.
Chris adds, “Cookies are enjoyable. Our intention is to foster community through Crumbl’s pink boxes.
The simplicity of ordering with Crumbl enhances the overall customer service experience. Orders are placed electronically using their app or the touchpad in-store, but customers can also call or simply come in, which what I initially did. However, I appreciate all of the information in their app. I enjoy chatting with individuals. Because I am a people person. That not discouraged by Crumbl.
Didn’t keep track of how long it took to prepare my huge party box order while I was speaking with Chris during my first visit, but it felt rapid. I watched as 2 young men entered the store and placed self-orders using the touchpad. They astounded by how rapidly their cookies were made, especially considering that most cookies require meticulous topping application.
Chris stated that they try to maintain the time to 2 minutes, and it appears like they are already doing an excellent job of doing so. Crumbl makes an excellent last-minute party caterer because larger party orders should place one to two days in advance.
The Cookie Crumbles
Depending on the cookie flavor, Crumbl offers both warm and cold cookies. Although Chris stated guests can want it, either way, they have conducted research using highly interactive “test” sites to identify which flavors work best when served cold or warm. Freshness is important, but even after leaving a box of Crumbl at work over the weekend, everything still tasted fine on Monday.