I’m a guest posting evangelist. I’ve written over 1,000 pieces of guest blogging advice on my blog and in my books, and I help clients with their own guest post programs. But sometimes the question comes up: “What is your opinion on the value of guest posting?” And it’s not just from clients. It’s also from friends who are curious about what I think about the topic.
I was first introduced to this question by an SEO friend who asked me if there are still valid reasons for companies to do guest posts today. After all, Google has made it clear that link farms will hurt your rankings (and if you’re running one or more of those sites yourself), so why would anyone want links from them?
If you’re looking for a way to get more traffic, build up your backlink profile and gain exposure in your niche, quality guest posting services is the best way to go. That said, many authors are still unsure about whether or not it’s truly worth it. If you’re thinking about hiring a guest blog writing service provider but aren’t sure what benefits they can offer you, let me share some of my thoughts on this topic.
What Is Guest Posting?
Guest posting is a great way to build up your backlink profile and gain exposure in your niche. You can use guest posts to get links, traffic, and increase your brand authority. You can also use them to build relationships with influencers who might be willing to write an article on you or give advice on how they did certain things themselves.
Defining “Quality”
In order to write high quality content, you need to have a good content strategy. The first step toward this goal is defining what “quality” means.
Quality can be subjective and varies from person to person, but there are some general guidelines that we’ve found help us produce quality posts:
- The post must be original and free of plagiarized or stolen ideas (i.e., don’t copy someone else’s work).
- The post should be well-written and engaging enough so that readers want more information about the topic after reading it—and not just because they’re being asked by their boss or company founder for something interesting for the site’s homepage!
- Of course, there are also many other factors involved in making sure your blog posts have all these qualities: how well organized do they look? Are there lots of pictures with captions accompanying each paragraph? Do those pictures show something related tangentially related but still relevant (like an image from Google Images)? Does every sentence flow naturally from one clause into another one without feeling like gibberish because someone failed at punctuation marks again?
Why Guest Posts?
Guest posting is a good way to build your brand and get traffic.
It’s also a great way to get backlinks, which can be valuable in terms of SEO rankings. That being said, guest posting isn’t just about getting links—it’s also about building relationships with influencers who will refer you or feature you on their sites as well as others’ sites (think: LinkedIn). In other words: If you’re looking for an opportunity to meet new people in the industry who might help boost your career or guide your next steps forward onto the path toward success, then guest blogging could be exactly what you need!
Also Read: The Future of Guest Blogging Services
The SEO benefit is questionable.
The SEO benefit of guest posts is questionable. While there are some instances where links from guest posts can help your SEO, they’re not always a good way to get backlinks and they don’t always have the same value as other sources of backlinks.
The main reason why guest blogging doesn’t have an obvious impact on your domain authority and local search rankings is because Google considers all types of web pages equal in its search engine results pages (SERPs). This means that even if you’ve written a high quality blog post about keyword X, Google won’t give it any special treatment unless it has enough content around that keyword for readers to find it in SERPs without leaving their page (and this doesn’t happen often).
Low-quality links will hurt your SEO and rankings.
Link spamming is a black-hat SEO technique that can hurt your site’s rankings. The reason is that Google penalizes sites that use link spamming, so it’s not worth the trouble or risk.
If you find yourself in a position where you need to include links on your site, consider these factors when deciding what type of content is best for improving search engine visibility:
- Links from authoritative websites (like blogs) will have more credibility than less reputable ones. The more connections a website has, the better its authority rating will be by default; this makes them easier to rank higher in SERPs (search engine results pages). So if someone has linked back onto your site before, they’ve probably done so because they believe in its quality—and there’s no better way of earning trust than being honest about things!
Focus on content marketing that puts the reader first and you can get a quality backlink as a bonus.
The key to success is creating great content that will attract links, traffic and social shares.
The more you focus on your readers’ needs, the better off you’ll be as a blogger.
What Are the Benefits of Guest Posts Services?
Guest posting is a great way to build up your backlink profile and gain exposure in your niche. It can also help you reach new audiences, boost your traffic and build relationships with influencers in your industry. In short, guest posting is one of the best ways to grow as an online publisher.
Which Guest Blogging Service to Choose?
As a blogger, you want to make sure that your guest posting strategy is effective. Here’s a quick guide on how to choose the best guest blogging service for your needs:
- Check the blog’s Alexa rank (the number of people who visit its site each month) and social media followers. If it has high numbers, then this means that there are more readers who will see your own content as well as those of other authors on the site; however, if there are few visitors coming from search engines like Google or Bing and few followers on Twitter or Facebook pages associated with it (but rather one), then chances are that either you’re not targeting an audience within those platforms or simply don’t have much money left over after paying other expenses such as hosting fees and domain name registration fees–and neither option should be considered acceptable!
- Check whether or not there’s any quality content already written by others within this niche–not just “sprinkling” them around here and there but actually creating multiple articles per week with different topics so visitors can find something new every time they come back again after reading something else first! Remember: You wouldn’t expect someone who had never visitedbefore today would go back tomorrow just because they liked reading about dogs….so why should we expect anyone else.
Also Read: Add Me To Search: How To Create Google People Card
Do You Need to Pay for Guest Blogging Services?
The short answer is yes, you do. Guest blogging services are a great way to get your name out there and build connections with influencers who can help you reach new audiences. But many people have the misconception that it’s free, which can make them reluctant to pay for one—even if they know it’s worth it!
You should choose a guest posting platform that offers quality content and has a good reputation in the industry or niche you’re targeting. Look at what kind of features each service offers so that you know what type of work will be coming through your door on an ongoing basis (and how much work each person will expect). You’ll also want look into whether or not these companies offer any kind of guarantees on their posts being published—this should be something worth looking into before committing any money!
Guest posts are a great way to build up your backlink profile and gain exposure in your niche.
The value of guest posting is that it’s an opportunity to get links, but also an opportunity to show off what you do best. It’s a way for you to show off what makes your site unique while also building up some serious social proof (more on this later).
We hope this article has helped you to understand why guest posts are still a valuable content marketing strategy. If you follow the tips we’ve outlined here, we think it’s possible to write high-quality content that will earn you backlinks from sites that have a reputation for quality content themselves. In other words, if your goal is to build links back into your site or boost rankings with high-value keywords, then guest posting is still a good option for many companies—and it can even be better than SEO in some cases!