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If you are having sleepless nights and are wondering what you can do to improve your sleep, look no further. Below are some simple solutions that can gradually help you improve your sleep quality or, at the very least, help you manage insomnia symptoms.
Stick to a Schedule
The body responds best when it knows what to expect and when. So do yourself a favor and stick to the same bedtime routine every day. Eventually, your body will synchronize its biological clock with this routine and help regulate your sleep cycles more effectively.
Turn off the Screens
It’s tempting to catch up on a favorite show or movie before bed. But the blue wavelengths emitted from TV, smartphones, tablets, or computer screens have been shown to interfere with sleep cycles by shifting internal body clocks. If you must use one of these devices, be sure to dim the screen as much as possible.
Try Supplements
Sometimes, a simple lack of nutrients in your body can disrupt your circadian rhythm, and if that is the case, supplements, including Magnesium and Tongkat Ali, will come in handy. Magnesium is a key mineral for maintaining a healthy nervous system. You will find that Tongkat Ali benefits include improved libido, performance, and hormonal balance. Hormonal balance is one of the key factors in maintaining a healthy sleep cycle.
Make Your Bedroom Dark and Comfortable
Light exposure can be a major factor in determining the quality of your sleep at night. Thus, invest in thick curtains that will block out all of the light coming into your bedroom, and invest in comfortable bed sheets and pillows that will make you feel nice as you go to sleep. Consider also investing in an eye mask.
Eating Healthy
Eating healthy helps with various aspects of life – from physical health to mental clarity. A diet full of processed foods and simple carbs can cause blood sugar to fluctuate drastically, which can prevent you from falling asleep. A healthy diet should include fruits, greens, as well as healthy fats from avocados and fish.
Exercise in the Morning
Cardiovascular exercise provides an excellent way to burn off extra energy, and getting the heart going in the morning helps to release melatonin, the hormones that help regulate sleep. Regular exercise also improves your blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels, which is an important part of the lifestyle that leads to health. Make this as enjoyable as you can by heading outside or even just doing some jumping jacks while watching your favorite morning news program.
Avoid Caffeine Before Bedtime
While milk and other dairy products may help promote better sleep as they contain tryptophan, other drinks, such as coffee and chocolate, will keep your mind awake. Caffeine acts as a stimulant that keeps your mind active. It can take up to 6 hours for caffeine to wear off, depending on your metabolism, so even if you stop consuming caffeine in the afternoon, chances are that you’re still feeling its effects as you go to bed. While at it, avoid eating late at night, as digestion takes a lot of energy and is an active process that requires your body to be alert.
Spend Quality Time With Friends and Family
Stress is one of the common causes of insomnia. Spending quality time with your loved ones will often help you get through the day without feeling too tense or anxious. Try engaging in small talk with your friends, family, and co-workers during the day, and end each afternoon with a relaxing walk with someone you love.
Quit Smoking
Improving the quality of your sleep means improving every aspect of your life, including your bad habits. Smoking is one of the worst habits to get rid of when trying to improve your sleep. The nicotine in cigarettes is a stimulant that is known to cause insomnia. Although most people smoke as a remedy for stress, it’s not a viable alternative due to the associated side effects. Instead, adopt healthy approaches to dealing with stress, including meditation and yoga.
Conclusion for Improving Your Sleep Quality
Not getting a quality night’s sleep could be detrimental to your health, manifesting in things like weight gain, depression, and even Alzheimer’s or heart disease. If this is the case for you, don’t wait another minute before starting on these steps to improve your sleep quality.