Lithium-ion batteries referred to as lithium-ion phosphate batteries could be providing an ideal solution when it comes to renewable energy sources in your business. Lithium carbon is a viable alternative and is superior to other alternative chemistries such as lead batteries. One thing with this form of battery is that they are known to possess their own set of advantages.
These batteries are the popular form of batteries in consumer electronics. It is used for a variety of products from cars to mobile phones, and if you compare them to rechargeable batteries the properties turn out to be superior.
More about Lithium-ion batteries, and how they stand in comparison to lithium-iron phosphate ones
If you see the working of both batteries, lithium-ion is known to move between the negative and positive electrodes to charge and recharge. The graphitic electrodes have metal backings that are bound to be used in the anodes of both battery types as well. The lithium atoms in the anode are separated from the electron and during discharge ionized. The ions are known to move from the anode, and it passes through the electrolyte till it reaches the cathode. They are known to reconnect with the electrons and become neutral. It is better if you can have an idea about the same by going through the diagrams and images. Below are some of the benefits associated with lithium-ion batteries
Compact and lightweight
In lithium-ion batteries, electrodes are used. Carbon and lithium are lightweight on their own which paves way for lighter and smaller batteries in comparison to their old batteries like the lead ones. Such types of batteries are convenient to be used in head torches as the light output can be increased and is able to run significantly. It is not going to add bulk weight to the battery pack in any way.
Energy density is on the higher side with a bigger punch
Lithium works out to be a highly reactive element that has the benefit, to release and store an enormous amount of energy. It allows these batteries to pack a high energy density in a small size. What it means is that these batteries are expected to last for a longer period of time between charges in comparison to rechargeable batteries. Yes, it is expected to maintain a higher level of performance. It indicates that a lithium-ion cell is known to average at 1.2 V and it needs to match up with the output of a single lithium-ion battery.
Eco- friendly
With lithium-ion batteries are known to contain low levels of toxic metals that are found in other types of metals. It is in comparison to nickel-cadmium and lead acid batteries. Mercury, lead and cadmium are the major materials that are used in batteries for a considerable period of time. But recurring exposure along with a lack of proper mechanism when it comes to disposal of these batteries is harmful to animals, plants and human beings. Lithium-ion battery solutions tend to be safer than other forms of batteries, but it is expected to require some recycling.
Low maintenance
There are other types of rechargeable batteries like nickel-hydride or nickel-cadmium that are known to possess a so-called memory effect or a lazy battery effect that emerges. If you go on to repeatedly discharge it before it is recharged the term battery would be using the same amount of energy that was used during the partial discharges.
This is even when the voltage is expected to drop. So as to prevent these NIHM batteries have to be regularly maintained, where you completely discharge and then go on to charge them. A lithium-ion battery does not suffer from the memory effect indicating that they are bound to provide the last bit of power. Even when you need them you are going to require 25 % or 100% of the capacity with no form of pesky overhaul necessary.
The self-discharge rate is low
With lithium-ion batteries the self-discharge rate is low. It has to be said that self-discharge is a natural phenomenon for batteries. What it indicates is that there are chemical discharges in the batteries. Coming to the self-discharge of lithium-ion batteries, within the first 24 hours it is about 5 % and then it reduces to 1% to 2 % every month. If you compare it with nickel batteries it is expected to lose 10% to 15 % of their capacity after recharge and then it is 10% after every charge.
Charge cycles are more
A quality lithium-ion battery is known to last around 1000 recharge cycles. A full cycle is when the battery is discharged to flat and then charged too full. You would be using your battery to 75 % of the total capacity and then if you plug it into a recharge, it does not constitute a full cycle. The moment a battery has been charged to full it means you are left with full before you need to recharge the battery. In other words, your battery may have gone through a full charge cycle.
Other benefits of lithium-ion batteries
One of the features of this battery is that it can be charged quickly. Be it charging or fast charging all of them can be done in the shortest time frame possible that is something that ordinary batteries can do in comparison to lithium-ion ones. But with the other form of batteries, it would be difficult to figure out when the charging has finished. The main reason why lithium-ion batteries have risen in prominence is that it gives an idea of when the charging has finished.
Wireless charging or charging with a cable is possible in the case of such batteries. Ever since it was introduced in the year 2007, it has gone on to emerge as a new form of technology and the main reason why it was adopted was for the lithium-ion batteries. A lot of research is conducted in these batteries that is expected to be used in cars in the coming days.