Bed bug infestation is one of the most dangerous forms of pest infestation. The reason is that these hardy pests are quite hard to inspect and eradicate. However, consulting professional services for pest control in Richmond BC, Delta, Surrey, and any other area you are living in can help you to get rid of them completely.
Beds, matrices, walls, clothes, books, and other hidden corners are the hotspot for bed bugs. They reproduce quickly and lead to massive infestation within a short duration. Moreover, their eggs are highly resistant to most pest control chemicals.
Bed bug infestation is a threat to your property and health. They can cause very serious health issues including various types of allergies, and respiratory, and digestive system disorders in humans. Moreover, they can also badly damage the reputation of your company or business. This is why it is important to eradicate them, and for this, you can rely on an experienced bed bugs exterminator.
How to Eradicate Bed Bugs From Your Place?
Removing bed bugs is a daunting and a bit risky task. Because of their ability to survive in every condition and resistance even against chemical methods. However, approaching professional pest exterminators can prove to be the most effective way to get rid of them.
Some crucial or highly effective methods to remove them completely are listed below:
Use Of Vacuum Cleaner
Bed bug infestation spread quickly and can reach all areas or objects in your home. And it can lead to massive infestation which is not only hard to eradicate but also causes irreparable loss of health and money. Therefore, treating them at early stages is crucial.
For early or normal infestation vacuum cleaning is the most effective method. Vacuum cleaners with Hepa filters can easily catch bed bugs from clothes, beds, and matrices. But it is only effective at primary stage infestation.
Bed Bugs Encasement and Laundering Techniques
Bed bugs usually choose clothes, bed covers, sheets, and other accessories to hide. And washing these clothes with highly warm water can help you to kill all kinds of bed bugs. But it is effective to a limited range and can not destroy their eggs or reproductive cycle.
To kill existing bed bugs and retard their growth professionals recommend the encasement technique. It destroys both the old and new bugs to provide a stress-free environment.
Thermal Treatment
Heat is the death cage for bed bugs. Therefore, the use of thermal treatment is highly effective for both the domestic and commercial level control of bed bugs. In this method, clothes are heated in boilers at extremely high temperatures such as 130F° or more.
To eliminate bed bugs from room corners, walls, and all other areas large size heaters and vacuums are used to increase room temperature to maximum range. It not only kills bed bugs but also denatures their eggs.
Use of Pesticides
Various kinds of pesticides and chemicals are used to control pests, especially insects. Therefore, one of the most effective methods to kill bed bugs is using chemical methods. However, complete knowledge and awareness of the right method, quantity, and side effects of chemicals are essential to avoid further troubles.
The use of chemicals is a bit dangerous to human health, the environment, and other organisms present in the surrounding. Because they contain toxic chemicals which cause air pollution and healing this air can cause serious respiratory disorders.
Hiring a Bed Bug Exterminator
All these techniques and methods are quite effective. However, the best way to completely eradicate them and avoid any kind of risks is to hire a professional bed bug exterminator because they are highly skilled and expert to deal with all kinds of situations. Moreover, they are equipped with all crucial tools to eradicate them effectively.
Professional pest controllers also help you to fix the damages caused by bed bugs most effectively and economically. And you can also contact them in the future for professional advice to protect your place from bed bug re-infestation.
Bed bug infestation proves to be lethal not only for your property or health but also for the market reputation of your business. Therefore, immediate steps or decisions are crucial to remove them from the very start. The best way to deal with them effectively and safely is to consult professional pest control agencies.
Make sure to always choose a credible company or bed bug exterminator to avoid scammers and keep your home pests free.