Eye Center In Columbia SC
Eye care for children should start from the age of three to five. If there are no issues at that point, their next eye checkup should be before starting school. This is the initiation of good eye care for children. If you want that the children’s vision is good routine care should begin early.
Certain Disorders Prone To Misdiagnosis
There are certain disorders like autism, ADD, or ADHD that can most probably be misdiagnosed. Although it is not always the case, conversion deficiency will show up some of the same symptoms as ADD. It is just possible for your child, to have perfect vision, exhibit the signs of ADD, and not actually suffer from this disorder.
What can it be? The second opinion that should be gotten is probably one from an optometrist at your neighborhood eye center in Columbia SC. There are experienced optometrists who can determine whether it is poor eyesight or conversion disorder.
Eye Care Prevents Future Problems
Conversion disorder is an eye condition where the child sees double, and is not able to focus at, close range. It needs to be a part of every eye checkup your child undergoes, during the formative years.
Mostly proper eye care can help, to prevent further problems, as your children progress through school and life.
Eye Care Should Be For Lifetime
Eye care has to be lifelong. It starts during childhood and should continue through life. Prescriptions need to be current and annual checkups be in order for everyone. Electronic record keeping assures that people always keep accurate and secure medical information.
Eye Care Prevents Computer Vision Syndrome
It is also a probability that people, who sit at the PC for more than two hours, each day can, develop a condition known as CVS. This is known as computer vision syndrome. Symptoms may and usually include tired eyes, eye strain, headaches, blurred vision; aching eyes, light sensitivity along with aching shoulders and neck.
There are special glasses created for CVS and proper eye care can guide you in the right direction. With an increasing number of desk jobs in our economy, proper care, and routine eye exams, at your nearest eye center in Columbia SC, will be more and more important in the coming times.
The Bottom Line
Proper eye care can help spot subtle changes in your vision. These conditions of the eye lead to a gradual decrease in your vision. Often you don’t realize the change happening. So, routine eye exams are important; but unfortunately, vision care is often not given the priority it deserves.