SQL Server Dimensional Modeling is a powerful relational data modeling technique that gives you great performance on complex data aggregation queries with little to no pre-aggregation. The real power of this technique is that you maintain the simplicity of a relational database while still getting the benefits of dimensional modeling. SQL Database Modeler provides you with a simple interface to create the logical model of your data. You can easily create any metric, dimension, measure group, and hierarchy you want.
What Can You Use SQL Server Dimensional Modeling For?
1. Data Warehouse and OLAP
The benefits of dimensional modeling are best used to gather complex aggregation queries over your data. If you have a large data set that needs to be aggregated, you can use SQL Server Dimensional Modeling to create a simple model that can then be used in the dimension or measure groups.
2. Reporting
With ease of use and flexibility, SQL Server Dimensional Modeling can also be used in reporting. The report writer can create reports using a simple aggregation query.
3. When you need more control over the data structure
Sometimes a traditional relational design may prove to be too rigid. The normal relational model allows you little to no control over the number of tables and can limit how you want to store your data. In these cases, you can use SQL Server Dimensional Modeling to create a relational model that will allow you to optimize your performance and maintain flexibility simultaneously.
4. New Dimensions and Measures
By creating a complex dimensional model, you can add new dimensions and measures without worrying about optimizing the data. You could also create metric groups that do not exist in your original data. SQL Server Dimensional Modeling gives you the flexibility of any relational database with the speed and performance of any OLAP system.
5. Analyzing your data
SQL Server Dimensional Modeling can be used to determine your data’s best structure and dimensions by analyzing it. That can help you decide how to perform some complex aggregation queries.
6. Generate reports in a simpler way
Using SQL Server Database Modeler, you can easily generate a report containing all your data defined in a simple dimensional model turned into a real-world model.
7. All the Above for Power BI
Importing data from your SQL Server databases is easy and useful on the Power BI Desktop. The “Dimensional Model” in Power BI Desktop will allow you to build a dimensional model of your data from your relational tables. Once you build this model, it can filter and display relevant data using new visualizations like Spark Lines and Surface charts, which comprise Power BI’s Sparkline and Surface Chart features.
SQL Database Modeler is a very useful tool for creating a simple logical model of your SQL Server Dimensional Modeling. Using this tool, you can easily create any dimension, measure, metric, and hierarchy you want. When used for creating reports or Power BI visualizations, this tool will be very useful in modeling your data and generating any report from your simple relational database. To contact us, call today at https://support.sqldbm.com/.