Residential Pest Control in New York
Nothing is worse than thinking you might have bed bugs at home or in an apartment. And if the infestation is confirmed, getting rid of it can be a long and hard process. Bed bugs are flat and small, which makes it easy for them to hide during the day when they are not moving around. They hide in mattresses, bed frames, sheets, blankets, pillows, furniture, carpets, baseboards, and other things in the bedroom. Most of the time, they live in the seams of mattresses or box springs. It is important to immediately call Residential Pest Control In New York as soon as you notice a sign of bed bug infestation. This blog post will discuss some signs of bed bug infestation that you can notice to take action.
Residential Pest Control in New York and Signs of Beds Bugs Infestation
Bed bugs are often carried in luggage, which lets them spread wherever people live. Pests are becoming a problem in homes, hotels, dorms, and other places where people live. A bed bug infestation can be hard to get rid of because bed bugs are small and like to hide in mattresses and furniture. But looking for Bed Bug Control Services In New York and hiring a professional can help you get rid of them. If you have an infestation, you might not know right away. Sometimes it takes weeks or months for the signs to show up. But here are a few early warning signs to keep an eye out for.
Bed Bug Bites on Your Skin
Bed bugs must eat, simple as that. And unfortunately, you are the main dish. When you get bitten by a bed bug, your skin will get small, red, and sometimes itchy bumps. Many bugs can bite you at night, but if you wake up with three or four welts in a row, a bed bug likely bit you.
Bed bug bites can also make people feel different ways. Some people might not notice the welts, but others might find them annoying. Bed bug bites can cause severe hives or a general allergic reaction. No matter what, the bites will be a key early sign to watch for.
Blood Stain on your Sheets
Blood spots on your sheets are another early sign of bed bugs. There are a few things that could cause these stains:
- There might still be some blood on your skin after the bug has bitten you and moved on. It’s easy to see how quickly this can get on your sheets.
- If you turn or move, you might squash a bug. The blood stain is because the bug didn’t eat all of your blood, so some of it got on your sheets.
Dark Specks on Your Sheets
Infestations of bed bugs that have been going on for a while usually appear as black, brown, reddish-brown, or just dark spots on your sheets or mattress.
As the infestation gets worse, these spots show up. They come from droppings and bugs that have been crushed. If the infestation is new, these spots might be close together. They might be farther apart if it has been going on for a while. Make sure to call for Residential Pest Control In New York as soon as possible to get rid of the bed bugs before they spread to other furniture or areas of your house.
Musty Smell around Mattress
If your mattress smells strange and musty, you can’t figure out why you might have a bed bug problem. As soon as bed bugs get comfortable, they send out their pheromones. People have had different experiences with this smell; sometimes, it has been said to smell sweet.
As the number of bugs increases, pheromones will mix with the smell of crushed bugs and their waste, making the smell worse. But the smell might be the least reliable of all these early warning signs. Before assuming that this smell is from bed bugs, you should look into your sleeping area in depth.
Finding a Bed Bug or Shells
Unfortunately, the only sure way to know if you have bed bugs is if you see live adults or their empty shells. As the bugs move through their life stages, their shells will likely change size. They are the bugs’ shells that fall off when they molt. Most of the time, these shells are clear but have a yellow tint.
Bed bugs that are alive are small, brown, and often look like apple seeds. Unfortunately, if you see one alive, that’s all the proof you need.
What to Do if you Find a Bed Bug
So, you know you have bed bugs or have seen them in action. What should we do next? It is suggested to call Bed Bug Control Services In New York as soon as you know you have an infestation. This is the only sure way to get rid of an infestation. The experts have the proper tools and chemicals to remove bed bugs.
If you are looking for experts for pest control services, you can call Private Exterminating. Our experts will help you get rid of bed bugs without damaging your belongings.