You may be wondering what diapers you should buy and how many you should stock up on.
Experts estimate that babies use 2,000-3,000 diapers during their first year. Even experienced parents can be confused if they have to figure out how many diapers to purchase if they choose disposable cloth diapers over washable cloth.
We have created a guide to help parents estimate the number of diapers they need (or add to their registry) to buy before their baby arrives. It also lists the best diapers for each stage of development.
Newborn Diapers
Baby diapers are suitable for babies weighing between 7 and 10 pounds. To prevent irritation and rubbing in a sensitive area, diapers that are best for newborns have a cutout for the umbilical cord.
The amount of your baby’s weight at birth will determine how many diapers you need. The average full-term baby is 7 1/2 pounds. However, your baby’s weight could vary depending on many factors. As a rule of thumb, newborns usually gain around 2 pounds within the first month.
If your child is a normal weight and uses eight to twelve diapers per day, then you will need between 240 and 360 diapers. Remember that you will need more diapers if your child is larger than 7 1/2 pounds.
Size-1 Diapers
Some babies might only use newborn diapers for a few months, but most babies will be using size 1 diapers for at least several months. These diapers are suitable for babies weighing between 8 and 14 pounds. Size-1 diapers are great if you’re looking to bulk buy or pair diapers with a diaper bag.
Although the newborn stage is a period of rapid growth, most babies lose weight after one month. They gain an average of 5 to 7 ounces each week. As a guideline, approximately 650 to 1000 diapers should be sufficient for three months. A great diaper bag, or diaper backpack, will come in handy if you don’t have one.
Size-2, Diapers
Your baby can start to transition to size 2 diapers once they reach 12-18 pounds. As your baby starts to consume more formula or milk, one of the benefits of this stage is that it will need fewer diapers. This could mean you will only need 8-9 diaper changes per day instead of 12 as previously.
If your baby is three months old, you will need 650 to 750 diapers.
Size-3 Diapers
Your child will be between 16-28 pounds when they are ready for size 3 diapers. According to some estimates, babies tend to remain in size 3 for the longest time approximately six months. This could translate into a need for 1,000 to 12,000 size-3 diapers each day if you assume that you change your diapers six to seven times per day.
You may also consider adding overnight diapers once your child starts sleeping through the night, which is usually around six months old. These diapers are thicker and more absorbent and help keep your baby dry for longer periods of time. They also prevent any leaks or blow-outs that could otherwise wake them up.
Size-4 Diapers
You might consider potty training your child as your child approaches the age of 2. Or, you may decide to train your toddler in how to use diapers. Your child might not be ready to have all the freedom and may need to switch to size-4 diapers when they reach 22 to 37 pounds. Because every child’s diapering needs will be different, it is best to wait until your child is older before buying this size diaper.
Training Diapers
Once your child is ready to use training diapers like Pull-Ups and Easy-Ups, the sizes will be easier to comprehend. The sizes are available in a range similar to the ones they would wear, such as 2T-3T or 4T-5T. Although these diapers are usually sold in smaller quantities than regular ones, you’ll find that you use them less frequently than regular ones.
Swim Diapers
If you are taking your child to the pool, but don’t want them peeing in the water, get a set of swim diapers. They don’t swell and become heavy like regular diapers. There are disposable and reusable options available in a variety of patterns. Swim diaper sizes can vary by brand, but they will generally match the regular size of your baby.
You might also like to see our recommendations for baby gifts before you give birth. Check out our suggestions for the best baby bottles, and the best registry gift.
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