NFTs have been changing the world constantly, and this isn’t the first time. NFTs are digital assets that are made secure and encrypted with the blockchain. Apart from that these NFTs basically allow you to have utility access. This essentially means that they act as a key that can provide access to special tools and access to exclusive groups or even free items such as clothing, toys, antiques, etc. This all seems interesting and cool but that’s just the start because what came next was essential, a sector that was untouched and left barren, or well, it was a sector that was heavily reliant on luck.
NFTs have now jumped into the gaming industry and completely shaken the market. This comes as no surprise given that they are extremely versatile and have several advantages as well. So by introducing NFTs into the gaming ecosystem along with several NFT gaming marketplaces, the tables have been turned and the P2E gaming sector that was in the swap started to flourish. The biggest pro of using NFTs in gaming is that it helps to bring that added factor of exclusivity, rarity, and uniqueness. However, if you are a newbie, entering into the newly revived NFT P2E gaming sector, you need to start off with nothing but the best of the best. So with all that being said, given below are some of the best P2E games of the NFT world, and while there are others that constantly keep appearing, these are excellent options to start off with.
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Top NFT P2E games for beginners
1. Axie infinity
A P2E game where users can buy their Axie which is a cute monstrous creature that is used to battle other creatures. These monsters can breed and can be traded on the marketplace within the game itself, making it an incredibly accessible game and is also quite easy to understand.
2. Meta Cricket League
The game was created by the NFT marketplace for gaming collectibles called Jump.trade. The game requires the purchase of 2 NFTs that have to be a bowler and a batsman each and it also has several other interesting aspects like crypto-backed bats, all the way up to signature shots.
3. Sandbox
This is an interesting game that focuses on building and construction. While it may sound simple and plain, there are already a bunch of celebs who have heavily invested in it. That’s not all, owning enough land also allows you to host your own games or even your own events in the Metaverse on the land that you purchased.
4. Gods unchained
A play-to-earn mechanism is used in the trading card NFT game Gods Unchained. Players in this free-to-play game have full control over the virtual goods they utilize, so they are free to exchange, sell, or use their cards any way they see fit. To help them learn the rules of the game, new players are given 140 free cards at the start of the game.
5. Splinterland
This is also a card game similar to Gods unchained as it focuses on the same aspect, however, it had a different set of characters and the gameplay is quite different, Their NFTs can be bought on the NFT marketplace which is on the game itself making it easy to buy or sell the NFTs. The NFTs are differentiated by rarity which also gives good reasoning as to why some of the prices might be higher than others.
6. Alien worlds
Ever heard of space invasions, well this game is quite similar to that. There are several NFTs that can be bought or mined and people can own land quite similar to the Sandbox and mine tokens. These tokens can then be redeemed in the form of real-world money which makes it an incredibly entertaining game.
7. Zed Run
A horse racing NFT game where users can purchase horse NFTs that can be trained and levelled up. These horses can then be bred to produce a better steed to race. The game allows you to earn money as you play and win and also lets you upgrade the skills and speed of your horse.
NFTs are the future and there is no denying that. The reason why there is still some scepticism is because of the ups and downs of crypto which makes sense. However there is also the Metaverse that needs to be taken into consideration as well. The Metaverse, the blockchain, and the Web3 are all interconnected and there is nothing left to be said as that already pushes a point across, that NFTs in gaming is an incredible leap from old school console and moreover, it gives us the gift of opportunity.