When it comes to desserts – nothing can beat because most of the people love having cakes. These are delicious and the best part is, they are available in endless flavours. Hence, when one eats cakes, there is a flavour for everyone.
These days ordering cakes have also become easier because there are plenty of online cake sites available. For online birthday cake order, one can easily choose the cake they prefer and send it easily to their loved ones. They are also delivered right on time.
Popular cakes to try
Cakes have endless variations now and so it can be quite confusing for one if they are not sure about which cake to order. But there are some popular cake options – which can never go wrong especially if one is ordering them for a birthday party or any anniversary party. Here are the flavors to choose from:
Coffee Cake
Most people are fond of coffee flavor these days. This dessert choice is perfect for them. Coffee cakes mostly come in either Irish flavor or the Mocha flavor. These are both made of coffee creams and hence they are completely different from coffee dry cakes which should be eaten only with a cup of coffee. This coffee cake has proper essence and grinded filter coffee as toppings.
Banana Cake
This cake has high popularity quotient because use of banana gives it a subtle taste and a lot of moist texture. This is just an evolution of recipe from the old banana bread recipe and this cake comes with sweetness along with lot of flavors. If one is a bit health-conscious, then there is a healthy version of banana cake also available. One can have them as tea cakes too.
Funfetti cake
For children’s birthdays – this cake can be appropriate. This is because it is a vibrant cake with different colors of sprinkles and always looks like they are made for a happy occasion. The celebratory decoration of the cake makes it lovable for children. If one wants, they can also customize this cake and add some other layers of flavoring as per their taste.
Pineapple Upside Down cake
Sliced and chilled pineapples can be served as a proper dessert item. Hence, a cake make of pineapple can also be a great idea. This cake is made mostly by using fresh fruits and only slices of fresh pineapple is used as a topping. Food experts always recommend to have this cake chilled.
Lemon Cake
Lemon cake is a simple one and for those who do not want much decorations in their birthday cakes. This cake has a mild flavor and is made of a recipe which has seen centuries of cake evolvement. This cake is popular because of its combination of tangy and sweet flavor.
If one wants a creamy cake for the occasion then cheese cake can be ordered for them. This cake has become newly popular because of its tangy and a bit of sweet taste.
Once ordered from online sites – birthday cake delivered right on time