December is a great time to get involved with a cause you care about or learn more about different cultures — it’s one of the best times of year for global celebrations!
Winter is a beautiful time of year. It’s also one of the busiest times for holidays, as many people go on vacation or spend time with family. Here’s a December global holidays list that are celebrated around the world:
Dec. 1, 2022: World AIDS Day –
created in 1988 to bring attention to the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. World AIDS Day is a day to raise awareness of the global HIV/AIDS epidemic. It was created in 1988 by the World Health Organization and UNAIDS (the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS). The goal of World AIDS Day is to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and help people living with HIV to get treatment.
Dec. 5, 2022: International Volunteer Day –
started in 1985 by the U.N. to recognize volunteers working towards international aid. International Volunteer Day is held each year on December 5th to recognize volunteers working towards international aid. Volunteers are the backbone of many organizations, including those providing disaster relief and humanitarian assistance.
Volunteer work can be a great way to give back to your community, meet new people and learn new skills. There are many ways you can get involved in volunteering:
- Talk with your local service organization about what opportunities are available near you (and if there aren’t any yet, start one!). They may also offer training programs or other resources so that you’re ready when an opportunity arises.
- Search online for volunteer positions at organizations in your area that need help with their cause(s). Some websites will allow anyone who wants to volunteer but others require certain qualifications before allowing anyone into the program – make sure yours does!
Dec. 10, 2022: Human Rights Day –
Human rights day started in 1950 to commemorate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Dec. 10, 2022: Human Rights Day – started in 1950 to commemorate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948. It is a declaration of fundamental rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to regardless of race, religion or sex.
Dec. 11, 2022: International Mountain Day –
International Mountain Day Started in 2003 by the UN to celebrate the importance of mountains. On Dec. 11, 2022, the United Nations will celebrate International Mountain Day. This day was started in 2003 by the UN to highlight the importance of mountains to our environment and culture.
Mountains are important for many reasons: they provide clean air and water for people living near them; they help regulate climate; they offer recreational opportunities such as hiking or skiing; they can be used as sources of energy (e.g., hydropower); and some believe that mountains teach us about ourselves through their physical characteristics (e.g., height), cultural significance (e.g., religious places), or just simply being there with others who share your passion for mountains too!
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Dec. 13, 2022: Saint Lucia’s Day (Sweden) –
Saint Lucia’s Day honors St. Lucia and her journey to assist Christians hiding from Romans in catacombs. If you’re looking for a holiday to celebrate, look no further than Saint Lucia’s Day. This Swedish holiday is celebrated on December 13th and honors St. Lucia, who was born in Syracuse, Sicily in about AD 283.
Saint Lucia is known as a Christian martyr who assisted Christians hiding from Romans during the time of Emperor Diocletian (AD 284-305). She helped them escape through tunnels under their homes and churches—wherever there were catacombs! The day commemorates her journey as well as honoring all those who have gone before us throughout history by providing shelter to persecuted people.
Dec. 20, 2022: Hanukkah (Jewish)
Hanukkah 8-day celebration commemorating Jewish rededication of the temple in Jerusalem after a revolt against the Greek empire. Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem after a revolt against the Greek empire. Hanukkah has eight days, but this year it starts on December 20th and ends on January 4th (the next day). You can celebrate all eight days with your friends or family, who may not be Jewish but still celebrate this special holiday.
Hanukkah is one of the best times of year for global celebrations because it’s during winter!
December is a great time to get involved with a cause you care about, or learn more about different cultures. There are many global celebrations and events that take place all over the world in December — including, but not limited to:
- Christmas Day (December 25th)
- New Year’s Eve (December 31st).
December 8 – Festival of Sacrifice
- In Islam, the Festival of Sacrifice is celebrated to commemorate Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael.
- The festival is celebrated in the Middle East and North Africa on December 8th. It marks the end of Hajj and Eid al-Adha celebrations as well as other religious festivals like Eid al-Fitr (the feast at which Muslims celebrate getting back from their trip to Mecca).
December 16 – Pan American Aviation Day
This holiday is celebrated in the United States, Canada and Mexico. It marks the anniversary of the first transatlantic flight by Charles Lindbergh on May 20, 1927. The flight took place from New York to Paris in just 33 hours and 20 minutes (a time record that still stands today).
The celebration of this holiday also commemorates other notable events in aviation history:
- December 16 – First flight across Atlantic Ocean
- April 6, 1912 – Wiley Post flies solo around North Pole
December 17 – Free Shipping Day
On December 17, you can take advantage of free shipping on Amazon.com. If you’re an Amazon Prime member and want to get in on this deal, all you need to do is sign up for Prime and make sure that your account is linked with a phone number or an email address (or both) before December 16th. Then head over to their website and enter in the code: “FREESHIPPINGDATE”. The site will then show how much money has been saved through this promotion!
If you don’t have an account with them yet or if it’s too late for this offer (which happens quite often), there are still ways around it! One way is by signing up for eBay’s My Account program; just enter in some basic information such as name/address/phone number etc., then hit next until they give instructions on how many years they’ll be giving out free shipping offers after which point all purchases made through their site will be eligible – regardless whether they’re made directly through their site or elsewhere online.”
December 20 – Hanukkah 2022
Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid dynasty. It is also called Chanukah, which means “dedication”, or Hannukah, which derives from hanapikuach (Hebrew: חנוכה), meaning “gift” or “blessing”. The Hebrew word for Hanukkah is Channuka (חֲנוּכַת).
Hanukkah celebrates events that occurred during ancient Judea between 167 BCE and 166 BCE, when Judah Maccabee led a revolt against Greek Hellenization. Afterward they recaptured Jerusalem, which had been under Seleucid control since Alexander’s conquest of Persia in 330 BCE.
December 21 – First day of winter
The first day of winter is December 21, which marks the shortest daylight period and longest night of the year. This day is also known as the winter solstice and occurs at the same time in both hemispheres (that’s why it’s called “first”).
The following day, Christmas Eve or Boxing Day depending on where you live, is when we get to enjoy our shortest day—and most importantly: Christmas!

December 23 – The Emperor’s Birthday in Japan
The Emperor’s birthday is a public holiday in Japan, and a festival to celebrate the start of new year. It is also known as “Mid-Autumn Moon Viewing.” The day celebrates the birthday of the emperor, who was born on December 23rd (the same day as Christmas). The holiday has been celebrated since 744 AD when it was declared by Empress Jingū as part of her efforts to unify China under one banner.
December 25 – Christmas Day
Christmas is a holiday celebrated on December 25. It is a Christian holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and celebrates the period in which he was believed to have been born. Many people all over the world celebrate Christmas, but there are also many people who do not celebrate this day because they do not believe in God or religion.
The day is also known as Christmas Day or Xmas Day, depending on what country you live in and how old you are when you celebrate it; for example if your birthday falls on December 25th then your birthday will be called Christmas instead! In most parts of Europe it’s customary for families to exchange gifts at least once during each year leading up to this special occasion so here’s hoping yours does too!
December 26 – Boxing Day in Canada and the UK Kwanzaa
Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated in Canada and the UK. It’s a time to give gifts, enjoy food and drink, and spend time with family.
In Canada, Boxing Day is celebrated on December 26th. In 2016 it was observed on Thursday because of the popularity of Black Friday sales that day (Black Friday also happens to be one day before Christmas). In some areas of BC (British Columbia), residents celebrate by giving presents to their loved ones or having lunch out with friends.
December 31 – New Years Eve Parties 2022
New Year’s Eve is a great time to get together with friends and family. If you’re planning on attending a party, make sure that you know what to expect:
- Wear something festive! There’s nothing worse than arriving at the party in your pajamas or bathrobe.
- Spend some money on good food and drinks—it’s not just about how much money you spend; it’s also about whether or not they’re good quality ingredients used in their cooking process.
- Bring an Open Bar ticket (or equivalent) if there are any alcohol-based offerings at the event; otherwise bring cash so that people can buy their own drinks from the bar before joining into any festivities taking place elsewhere throughout town/state/country(s).
Many winter holidays are celebrated at the end of the year
Christmas is the most popular holiday at the end of the year. The celebration of Christmas began as a religious feast to honor Jesus’ birth, but it has now become a secular one as well. Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and includes gifts, parties, family time and more.
Hanukkah is another winter holiday that celebrates religious traditions rather than just one day in December like Christmas does. Hanukkah lasts eight days and begins on December 24 at sundown (the day before Christmas). During this time Jews remember how their Maccabean brothers were able to win back Jerusalem during their revolt against Antiochus Epiphanes who tried to desecrate Jewish temples without permission from Alexander Jannaeus king of Israel (ruled 103 BC-76 BC). They celebrate by lighting candles each night until they can no longer do so because it would be dangerous if there weren’t enough oil left!
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I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this post and are inspired to get involved in some of these global holidays. As I mentioned earlier, there’s a lot more going on this time of year than just Christmas! And if not for yourself personally, then at least for your family and friends who celebrate them with you. But don’t forget that it doesn’t matter where we’re from; as long as we care about others around us who are suffering too then we can all make an impact on this world together by helping each other out whenever possible through kindness or generosity towards others – especially those in need like refugees needing shelter from warzones (like children).