One of the most common issues is that their e-bike will turn on. In this guide, I’ll walk you through some troubleshooting steps to help you get your bike working again. And you will know what to do when an Electric Bike Won’t Turn On and How to Fix it in detail.
Check the power button.
The power button is the most common cause of a bike not turning on. It could be loose or damaged, pressed accidentally, and more. If you’ve turned the bicycle off in settings and it won’t turn on again, then the power button is likely the issue.
Ensure your charger is working
If your charger is working correctly, you should be able to check the voltage, current, and power rating. Also, if the charger is not plugged in, it won’t charge, and you’ll have a dead battery when you need it most. Next, turn on your e-bike again and see if it turns on when plugged into power though some models will turn on automatically when connected.
Check for a tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse in the house.
If you’re having trouble turning on your e-bike and the battery is fully charged, check for a tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse in the house. You can find this information on a tag inside your home’s electrical panel cover.
The first step for resetting this is finding out what kind of breaker it is. A circuit breaker may look like a simple switch but it has two parts. An “on” position and an “off” position. The switch is designed so that when you press down on it, all of its contacts will be connected and closed off from electricity flowing through them until you lift again. When no more current flows through any part of these contacts, electricity cannot flow through them any more; either way, they’re reset!
For more information, click here
Check the battery voltage with a multimeter.
The first thing you should do is check the battery voltage with a multimeter. This will tell you if there are any problems with your battery, whether it’s dead or not. If there is no voltage at all and you’re still able to turn on your ebike, then something may have gone wrong with either:
The regulator for charging and discharging current, in which case this needs replacement
The wiring from the USB port on your computer, or mobile device into which most laptops have been built over time, could be faulty too.
Drain, Clean and Dry your battery
Take the battery from the bike, and remove it from the charger. Clean and dry the terminals with a cloth or paper towel to remove any possible corrosion or dirt build-up. Reinstall your battery in your electric bike by connecting all wires properly, ensuring they are tight enough so they cannot be pulled out easily. Then charge up your new battery for at least 12 hours before using it again.
I hope that was helpful! If you have any more questions regarding your e-bike. Check all the things one by one that we mentioned above when your ebike does not turn on.