A lot of men go through the problem of infertility, or in other words, fertility issues. Because of this, they cannot help their partner conceive successfully. Thus, this problem can cause trouble and stress among the couple. However, if the man gets himself checked in time by a good sexologist in Delhi, he can get successful solutions to your infertility problems. Also, the issue of male infertility in men can be because of many psychological, biological, or inherited traits; also, a man who goes through extreme stress and anxiety can affect his fertility. So, developing a healthy lifestyle and eating habits can also help some foods to increase male fertility.
However, if you want to know about some effective home remedies to help you get out by foods to increase male fertility, then read down the article to the end.
8 Amazing Foods To Increase Male Fertility You Should Know-
Here is a list of 8 food items, which are readily available in every home; and if you continue to eat these food items daily, you can see a visible difference in your condition for a couple of months.
1. Oyster and Pumpkin seeds-
Both the food items, oysters and pumpkin seeds, are extremely rich in zinc, which significantly helps in sexual health. Also, zinc helps boost testosterone levels, improve the quality of sperm, and increase sperm count.
Also, it is essential to balance the hormones against heavy toxins and metals. Thus, oysters are very helpful in doing so.
2. Kiwi-
A single kiwi contains all the Vitamin C values needed by men. And studies show that oral supplements of Vitamin C are very helpful in improving sperm count, motility, and morphology. However, other food items which are readily available at home and have a high quantity of vitamin C are tomato, broccoli, citrus food, cabbage, red pepper, etc.
3. Dark, Green and Leafy vegetables-
There is a mineral found in green leafy vegetables, vitamin B9, or folic acid; these two compounds are in abundance in spinach, kale, lettuce, Brussels, asparagus, etc. Also, these food items help in producing strong and healthy sperm.
4. Dark Chocolate-
If you want sperm quality and boost intake in a man, you should include a cube of dark chocolate daily. Dark chocolate also contains arginine, an amino acid that is extremely helpful in sperm quality.

5. Salmon and sardines–
Many fatty acids like omega 3 are present in fish, especially in salmon, anchovies, mackerel, sardines, etc.; this helps improve the quality and quantity of sperm in men. But for all the vegetarians or vegans, they can add chia seeds and ground seeds. You can also add these in smoothies and plant-based yoghurt to help you get out of the problem by foods to increase male fertility.
6. Tomatoes-
Tomatoes contain high sources of Vitamin C, K, and A. Also, a component known as lycopene, which is present in tomatoes, is a man’s sperm’s best friend. Also, according to research conducted in the U.K, sperm increased to about 70 per cent in men by having lycopene twice daily. Thus, tomato is a food medium that can give you enough lycopene required by your body. You can have tomatoes in different forms, by having raw or spooning the tangy fruit over your eggs, or withy your fishes, pasta or however you want to have it with.
7. Walnuts-
The fats which are present in nuts are generally very helpful in semen production. Especially, walnuts offer a high quality of healthy fatty acids. A handful of these nuts will help you provide vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc, and folate. Also, walnuts have a high quantity of soluble fibre and are packed with proteins.
8. Olive oil-
Olive oil is such a big superfood, especially for male fertility. It is one of the healthiest and most nutritious oils of all. The omega fatty acids, Vitamin E, and acid oleic, which are present in the oil, are excellent for consuming daily. Thus, it would be best to aim to have 2 tablespoons of olive oil daily. You can eat it over your salad dressings, cook food in it, or prepare dishes such as humus to have it indirectly.
Reduce intake of these food items-
While all the food items mentioned above are extremely helpful in increasing the sperm quality and quantity in you, here is a list of some food items you should completely abstain from, as they can harm you.
- Avoid snacks and deep-fried food items; although these are hardest to avoid, they can negatively affect your sperm count.
- Also, make sure you reduce the amounts of total daily products, as they contain high amounts of estrogen, which can highly interfere with the sperm count.
- Abstain yourself from having alcohol and smoking, as both have scientifically shown, reduce sperm quantity. Thus, you should slow down on them and replace them with a glass of fresh juice of tomato or berry juice.
- Also, processed meats are not very sperm-friendly as they can negatively impact sperm production quantity and quality. Thus, removing or limiting your intake of kinds of bacon, canned meat, and sausage can help you with your health.
Who is the best sexologist for treating Male Infertility-
Dr Chirag Bhandari is a renowned and prominent sexologist of India who treats all your sexual and personal problems. He is also the owner and the founder of IASH, India. Also, he has successfully solved intimate and sexual issues for a lot of men in the past. So, if you think you are having trouble with your personal or sexual problems. You should immediately book a counselling session with the sexologist and find an effective solution to all your problems.
Take Away-
If you think you have been suffering from the problem of male infertility, and you want an effective solution to it. Then, you should definitely, make some changes in your lifestyle and adopt healthy eating habits. However, if you do not see any significant difference after 2-3 months, you should seek medical attention. For, this you can contact the highly renowned clinic of India, which is known to treat male sexual problems; which is IASH, India. Also, if you need any other further information regarding the sexologist and the hospital, check it out on “IASH Delhi.” read more exciting articles on Searchlix