School bag is considered one of the most common and important item. People don’t wash the school bags when they become dirty. They throw them away instead of washing them. People used to think that the fabric of their school bag would wear out if they washed it. But the fact is that school bags are made up of synthetic materials that won’t wear out in the wash. They waste their money by throwing it away. You don’t need to buy a new bag if you customize your old school bag. You can decorate your school bag according to your interests and personality. Here are some ways to make your old bag look new:
First of all, you should clean your school bag. You need a detergent, a vacuum cleaner, toothbrush and microfiber to clean it. Start your cleaning process by removing all the items from your bag. People used to leave things in their bags. It is important to open all pockets to remove everything. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up all the lint from inside of the bag. Then, fill a small tub with hot water and add detergent to it. Soak the bag for 15 minutes. Use a toothbrush to clean soiled areas. Use microfiber cloth to wipe the entire bag and rinse the bag thoroughly.
Packing sharp objects such as pencils, compasses etc can harm the bag. You should place items in such a way that they don’t puncture the material. Packing sharp objects in softer items such as clothing help to limit movement. You should not carry more than 10 pounds in your bag.
Add patches:
Your old school bag will look great if you add iron-on patches. You can add cool and funky appliques to make your bag look cool.
Your bag would look great when you draw beautiful designs or cartoons on the fabric of your bag. It is important to use fabric paints for drawing because other paints will come out when you wash them.
Use duct tape:
You can use duct tape to cover the whole bag in strips. Duct tapes are available in different designs. You can use duct tape of your own choice.
You can do embroidery on backpacks to make them look new and cool. Embroidered backpacks with cool patterns look great. For embroidery, you need a fabric pen to sketch out your design. You need a needle, embroidery thread and scissors to do embroidery. You should start embroidery from the centre of design because you can adjust as you go.
If you want school bags with beautiful designs and colors then you should contact “Bachaa Party”. They have a wide range of school bags. Their prices are really affordable. They work with honesty and ensure customer satisfaction. They are available both in-stores and online. They have ten stores in Pakistan. If it is difficult for you to go to their store to buy school supplies, then you can order online via their website as well. They try their best to dispatch your order as soon as possible.