The main stem of a plant is called a “trunk”, and it carries all the leaf structures, including the leaf. A leaflet is located on the underside of the leaf. There are several types of leaves, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some of these include simple leaves, compound leaves, palm leaves, broad-lobed leaves, and heart-shaped leaves.
In the case of compound leaves, the leaflets are usually smaller than the leaflets of simple leaves. A leaflet is located at the base of a leaf structure, and its primary leaflets function is to provide support to the structure. The two most common leaflet structures are the leaflet and the palmate leaflet.
The leaflet is the small part of the leaf, which is located at the base of the leaf blade and on the underside of the leaf. The leaflet is the one part of the leaf that is usually used as a food source by insects, such as aphids, caterpillars, beetles, flies, butterflies, bees, moths, and grasshoppers. Leaflets are very sensitive to changes in temperature, and when temperatures rise they become dry, brittle, and prone to falling off. The main function of the leaflet is to serve as a support for the rest of the leaf structure.