TIR, or Transports Internationaux Rou Tiers, is a common system of Customs transit that allows goods to travel in sealed load compartments, under internationally valid, harmonized Customs controls and procedures. This system makes it easier for businesses to do business internationally and avoid losing money in Customs duties.
TIR is an international customs transit system
The TIR System is a global transportation facilitation system that reduces transit delays and costs. It also simplifies controls and standardizes documentation, facilitating international trade. Approximately 34,000 transport companies use the TIR system in 77 Contracting Parties. TIR carnets must be approved by the national Customs authorities.
TIR allows trucks and containerized shipments to pass customs without having to stop and declare their contents. Once the cargo has passed customs, it can be unsealed at the final destination, reducing the time and cost of border checks. TIR Customs will verify the goods’ information at the border and issue a TIR Carnet, a document that provides full security for the cargo.
The TIR system has many benefits for both sides of the border. It allows for the door-to-door transport of goods and facilitates international trade while protecting the revenue of countries. It is run by the International Road Transport Union in Geneva and is renowned for its reliability and speed throughout the transport process. As the international transportation of goods is becoming more important, TIR is helping to promote peace and prosperity around the world.
It can be combined with other modes of transport
The TIR system allows goods to pass through multiple countries without the need for transhipment. It is often used in Eastern Europe, especially in countries that are not connected to the CTP. Under this system, goods are transported in the same road vehicle or transport container across multiple borders. It is important to keep in mind that shipments under this system must always be under a customs seal.
The TIR system is an internationally recognized system that allows goods to be shipped across continents in closed compartments. This multilateral system works with the General Administration of Customs and other government branches to ensure the smooth transit of goods.
It is issued by customs administrations
Customs administrations issue TIR Transports Internationaux Routiers (TIR) documents for goods undergoing transit. These documents serve as a guarantee that the goods will be paid for in full during the transit. They have a maximum value of USD 50’000/EUR 60’000 per document.
A TIR carnet is issued by a customs administration when goods are transported through customs territory of a third country. TIR carnets are not required for transport between EU countries, but are required when goods are imported into or dispatched from the territory of a third country.
TIR carnets are issued by customs administrations for a variety of purposes. The main benefit of these documents is that they allow goods to travel through customs while protecting against theft, damage, and loss. In addition to facilitating movement, TIR carnets provide the best guarantee of coverage for taxes and customs duties. Using a TIR carnet is easy and saves time at the customs border. A TIR carnet also eliminates the need to pay security charges or guarantees at Customs offices.