Stepping into a new house is a very special occasion for several people across the globe. Because it will be signifying new beginnings in life. Indians are very much particular about different kinds of technicalities associated with the rituals whenever. They will be purchasing anything new and undertaking the housewarming ceremony or as a specious day is a great idea throughout the process. Hence, focusing on the technicalities of the Gruhapravesam ceremony is definitely important in this particular case. And the following are some of the basic things which people need to know about it:
- Performing the Gruhapravesam with proper respect to the rituals will be definitely helpful in improving the protection factor of the house from evil forces and ultimately helps in improving the attraction of positive energies.
- Gruhapravesam rituals will be helpful in purification and spiritualizing the house, surroundings and air in the whole process so that a holy and divine atmosphere will be created.
- It will be helpful in bringing the right kind of prosperity, fortune and good health to the concerned people who are living in that particular place and performing the right kind of rituals, in this case, will be helpful in eliminating the obstacles which people could encounter in the whole process.
- Gruhapravesam will be helpful in invoking the blessings of the Lord and all the planets for the protection of the concerned individuals so that any kind of unfortunate event can be prevented the whole span.
Some of the basic points to be focused on at the time. of arranging the rituals associated with Gruhapravesam have been explain as follows:
- It is very much advisable for people to decorate the main entrance with flowers and the floor with Rangoli because this is the auspicious symbol of the entire system.
- Breaking the coconut before stepping into the house is definitely considered to be a very good ritual which people need to focus on
- Taking the first step with the right food is also a very auspicious point to be considered in the whole process
- Purification of the house by sprinkling the salt water is also very much important in this case which people need to focus on so that things are sorted out.
- People can gift sweets, coins, and idols to the guests whenever they will be leaving the house because offering food items and gifts to the priest is also equally important in this case.
- Staying in the new house for a minimum of three days after the Gruhapravesam ceremony is definitely important for people to attract positive energies and streamline the entire system.
- It is very much advisable for people to proceed with the concept of Gruhapravesam once only the new house is ready for the family to shift and reside it should also be freshly painted and the roof should be ready. Fittings of the doors, windows and other areas should also be very well completed to enjoy maximum benefits from the entire system
Hence, having a clear idea about the technicalities of the housewarming pooja in Adyar is very much important in this case. So that everybody will be able to have a peaceful environment in the new home.