Your body and its health are highly dependent on water, and not just any water, but clean and healthy water; therefore, you should prioritize drinking hydrogen water. Daily, assumptions about the quality of water are formed; are these assumptions justified? We strongly disagree. To eliminate bacteria and other microbes, many chemicals are added to tap water.
Due to its ability to impede thyroid activity, fluoride can induce osteoarthritis, brittle bones, poor brain and cognitive development, obesity, and depression, even at legal levels. It is baffling that some communities continue to add it to water because they consider it to be useful in light of these dire implications.
Lead, the most prevalent heavy metal in British tap water, hinders neurological development and causes a variety of brain and nervous system conditions. Inexplicably, as a society, we are outraged when it winds up in our children’s toys, yet unconcerned when it contaminates our drinking water.
The Health Benefits Of Water Rich In Hydrogen
The hydrogen content of alkaline, antioxidant water is very high. Hydrogen has recently been the focus of an incredible amount of research as a health benefit. The molecules are tiny enough to easily travel through cell membranes, and scientists believe that hydrogen-rich compounds have essentially no harmful health impacts. It is relatively affordable compared to the majority of drugs. If you have an alkaline, antioxidant water filter, you are on the bleeding edge of medical knowledge, since some doctors are prescribing hydrogen saline injections, hydrogen baths, and hydrogen gas to inhale. With an alkaline, antioxidant water filter, you can have your medication at the tap!
High-hydrogen water is an effective antioxidant. It may prevent oxidation from damaging cells throughout the body, and it can repair cells that have been harmed by oxidation, preventing them from generating free radicals that steal electrons from neighboring cells as they attempt to repair themselves. Alkaline water, such as that generated by popular alkaline water filters, is one of the most powerful antioxidants ever evaluated. Oxidative damage is one of the causes of several health issues, such as cancer, premature aging, dementia, and other neurological disorders. Damaged cells cannot operate properly, which implies that someone with considerable oxidative damage cannot have true vitality, mental clarity, good health, etc.
Consuming hydrogen-rich water can protect against the neurological damage of brain injury, including that caused by surgery and stroke, as well as that caused by oxidative stress over time. You can try it if you or your children participate in contact sports if you perceive yourself to be an especially awful driver, if you care for a relative who has suffered a stroke, or if the notion of dementia horrifies you.
After applying hydrogen-rich solutions to cancer cells in the laboratory, scientists found that such cells may be shrunk and their development suppressed. Numerous animal studies corroborate this, and since some researchers subjected laboratory animals to no cancer therapy other than alkaline water, it appears that hydrogen solutions can have an extremely potent inhibitory impact on cancer cells. It bears repeating that you should not forsake your cancer therapy in favor of alkaline water; the research has not been replicated on enough humans in their natural environments for you to risk your life on it. However, it can be an effective supplement to your current cancer treatment.
Numerous animal studies have demonstrated that hydrogen-rich compounds significantly enhance the prognosis of heart failure and heart attack patients. Scientists have demonstrated that hydrogen-rich compounds (mainly hydrogen saline) can prevent cardiovascular damage induced by oxidative stress and/or inflammation, even in the aftermath of severe cardiac events.
Hydrogen helps maintain healthy bones and muscles. Alkaline, antioxidant water assists the body in maintaining the blood’s pH without depleting minerals like calcium and magnesium from the cells of bones and muscles. As a result, it prevents bone loss and osteopenia, a condition in which the protein and mineral content of bone tissue is decreased, albeit to a lesser extent than in osteoporosis.